In this website, you will find some interviews that Manuela and I did to some Bennett Community members.We ask them some simple questions about their life and about Bennett.We interview students from all grades, some teachers, and some workers. But first let us explain you what is Colegio Bennett.
Welcome to our website
Colegio Bennett is not only school where we learn new things, it is our second home,Why? because we spent 8 hours with the teachers, friends, coordinators, workers, etc. We are like a family because we help each other.
Colegio Bennett has had many victories. Bennett school have the best moments ever and that moments are the moments that all children wants
In this website we will put all the interview we do to prep, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, six, seven, ten and eleven.
Click the log of Colegio Bennett to go to the first page so you can see the introductions.